Nanotechnology in Renewable Energy

Nanotechnology for Renewable Energy K-12 Outreach

Nanotechnology for Renewable Energy K-12 Outreach

The Nanotechnology for Renewable energy (#EPS-90903806) project is part of the NSF EPSCoR Phase VI: Climate Change and Energy grant. The goal of the K-12 outreach is to communicate core ideas and concepts related to nanoscale and energy, and includes four components.

(1) Incorporated nanoscale ideas into the existing KU Natural History Museum program about size and scale (How Small is Small?), which included the creation of a large graphic that summarizes small divisions at microscale and below, and supplemental nanoscale elements were integrated into existing activities (e.g. calculating height at nm);

(2) Front-end evaluation in the form of a comprehensive literature review including an overview of energy education, and relevant learning research related to teaching this topic and youth’s ideas and understanding of energy concepts. Cartoon Guide to Energy (outlined below);

(3) Developed the new Cartoon Guide to Energy program that integrates fundamental concepts of forces, properties or matter and energy into unified framework to explain energy across different contexts, using classic animation scenarios to engage learners; and

(4) Created a nanoscale resource page on the Quarked! website to bring together existing nanoscale related resources, organizations and activities that are available for learners and educators; expanded the glossary and FAQs to include nanoscale and energy terms; and developed additional online material such as a Photon Invaders solar panel game and energy quiz, as well as a new series of short animated videos about solar energy and electricity (Science Shorts).

Royal Society of Chemistry Nanofabrication and its Application in Renewable Energy (RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)
Book (Royal Society of Chemistry)

As went manufacturing and farming

by FaithBasedAgnostic

As sources of employment in this country, so is hardware and software design.
We could do more as a nation to keep it here such as improving higher education, allowing more student visas and h1-b visas, giving credits and incentives to software and high tech companies instead of building bridges to nowhere in alaska, and giving investment and tax credits to develop nanotechnology and alternative/renewable energy sources in this country.
Thanks to Bush and the GOP congress and senate and the general ignorance of the U.S. public, none of it is happening.
Kiss our compa

I'm kind of an expert in this area

by Bartleby_the_Scriv

For a saner energy policy, we must vote bush admin out! they subsidize and are in the back pockets of big oil, gas, coal, and nuclear in this country. Kerry won't be able to stop their interests in the immediate short term, but he will funnel more govt. funding to research and development of hydrogen based, nanotechnology fuel sources for the future. In the meantime, Kerry plans to better incentivize alternative/cleaner fuel technologies.
we are the only western nation in the world without a carbon tax. we need to heavily tax carbon based fuels as well as give tax incentives for the private sector to move towards renewable fuels that are available today.

He's encouraging fuel cells now

by Repentful

Here's the Repentful energy policy that should be adopted immediately:
Spur consumer and business demand for alternative fuel by enacting tax code incentives such as deductions for the use of alternative/renewable energy (e.g., wind, solar, microgeneration, distributed generation, etc.). The more you consume, the larger the break in both percentage and absolute terms of what you can deduct.
Spur distribution/retail of the sale of alternative/renewable energy generation equipment by giving all kinds of federal tax abatement on sales and other taxes related to the purchase and resale of wholesale alternative/renewable energy generation equipment

Nanotubes Increase Solar PV Conductivity 100 Million-Fold  — Sourceable
Carbon-based nanostructures are already being used as materials in solar cells with increasing frequency, yet their ability to enhance electrical performance has thus far been hampered by limited ability to assemble orderly networks using the materials.

CRC Press Advanced DC/AC Inverters: Applications in Renewable Energy (Power Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Energy, and Nanotechnology)
Book (CRC Press)
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