“There is still plenty of room at the bottom!”
During the past two decades, enormous progress in several experimental methods has occurred, opening the way to the science and technology at the nanometer level that Nobel laureate Richard Feynman envisaged in his famous speech 'There is plenty of room at the bottom'. Different routes (mainly physical and chemical) towards the synthesis of nanostructured materials have been established and refined and the new structural, electrical, optical and magnetic properties that arise in nanostructured materials are intensively studied. Making and studying nanostructured materials has acutely increased the analytical challenges, in terms of lateral and depth resolution and sensitivity. This school addresses in a comprehensive way the techniques for the synthesis, characterization and measurement of the physical properties of nanostructured materials by making use of intense particle beams and nuclear methods. These techniques do provide essential information at the atomic scale with a sensitivity and specificity that is unrivaled by conventionally used techniques. The use of intense particle beams and nuclear methods is most often linked to large and complex infrastructure and consequently, a large fraction of researchers is not familiar with (the capabilities of) these techniques. It is a unique feature of this school to bring top European scientists together in order to create an exciting scientific program in which nanostructured materials are approached from different perspectives and experimental techniques.
The topics covered in this school will be relevant for master and PhD students from various backgrounds (physics, chemistry, but also engineering and biology). The speakers are strongly encouraged to make their presentations accessible for non-experts and to illustrate with relevant examples. Apart from the lectures, some topics will be worked out in more detail in tutorial sessions, in which a number of realistic case studies are worked out, under close guidance of the speaker. This is an ideal way for the participants to get close and in-depth interactions with the speaker. g out, e.g. in the framework of their master thesis or PhD work. This is an excellent and informal way to interact with each other, to refine their presentation skills and to exchange ideas and expertise with experienced researchers.
The Faculty of Science of the KU Leuven invites you to participate in this Spring School and to get immersed in the exciting field of nanoscience. You will discover that there is still plenty of room at the bottom!.
The school director
Kristiaan Temst
- The programme will consist of morning and afternoon sessions. Evenings are reserved for social activities (including a barbecue). An informal poster session will be organized during which the participants can present and discuss their own research work or plans. There will also be an oral session where participants can present their research.
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