Future Emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies and the Future of

Brian Lamb is the Director of Innovation at Thompson Rivers University. Prior to moving to TRU in 2012, Brian was a Strategist and Emerging Technologies Manager at UBC’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology for more than a decade. His work focuses on participatory online tools, open practices, student and community engagement. He co-founded blog and wiki platforms that were among the earliest such campus services. He’s been a Research Fellow at Utah State University’s Center for Open and Sustainable Learning (COSL), and a Visiting Researcher at Barcelona’s Open University of Catalonia.

George Veletsianos – Canada Research Chair in Innovative Learning and Technology and Associate Professor at Royal Roads

Dr. George Veletsianos is a Canada Research Chair in Innovative Learning and Technology, and Associate Professor at Royal Roads University in Victoria, B.C. Veletsianos studies emerging technologies and pedagogies. His research aims to understand learners’, educators’, and scholars’ practices and experiences in emerging online settings (i.e. social networks and open learning environments) . His research and design/development work have been funded by the Canada Research Chairs Program, the National Science Foundation, the European Union, the National Geographic, and the Swedish Knowledge Foundation. He blogs at .

Clint Lalonde – Manager, Open Education at BCcampus

Clint Lalonde is an educational technologist and an advocate for the use of open educational resources and open education practices in higher education. Clint has worked in the British Columbia post-secondary system for 20 years, and is currently the Manager of Open Education at BCcampus, where he is a project lead on the BC Open Textbook project, working...

Very well put

by jet1

The industry changed. There was a time when technologies were emerging and each project was a new exploration - it was a great time (70s-80s). Programming was an esoteric skill. But with the arrival of Microsoft and the unleashing of fantastic development tools to the household kitchen table programmer, no one would have expected the competition to become so severe. Perhaps I was naive. I tried to keep up the technological pace but I either misread the requirements for the future or simply was not smart enough - a bit of both I think. If your still in do your best to stay in, its kinda unfriendly in the open job market

Technology will save us!

by flimflam_at_11

Or so the premise goes: there's a demand for non-oil technologies that will allow us to wholly replace the work that fossil fuels do today, therefore the market will produce replacements and everything will continue to hum along smoothly. The problem is, there's no energy source that delivers the bang for the buck - or for the up-front energy investment - that fossil fuels do.
Sure, we'll probably end up with more nukes, more solar, more wind. And fuel cell research will continue. The other problem with the "market demand will drive innovation" argument is that the market does not always deliver what's "demanded", or what's talked about as an "emerging...

Senior Lead Developer, REF 8520  — MuMbrella
You will also have a keen interest in emerging web technologies. You must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills as well as being adept at time keeping, attention to detail and problem solving is paramount.

Future Congress Future Congress 2011: On Emerging Threats and Challenges "The Works"
DVD (Future Congress)
  • Banking
  • Financial
  • Technology and Science
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