What is Nanomaterials PPT?

Unexpected absorbent nanomaterial discovery leads to cleanup of hydrocarbons, pesticides and pharmaceuticals

Chemical engineer Paul Edmiston demonstrated Osorb®, a revolutionary new type of material that can clean water from oil spills, detect explosives and even treat the subsurface of Superfund sites, during a webcast hosted by NSF last year. Pictured are Dr. Stephen Jolly and Doug Martin of ABSMaterials showing clean water being passed over a vibratory separator after treatment with Osorb. Credit: Sarah Pollock, ABSMaterials

Science is full of surprises. Chemist Paul Edmiston's search for a new way to detect explosives at airports instead led to the creation of what's now called "Osorb, " swellable, organically-modified silica, or glass, capable of absorbing oil and other contaminants from water.

Edmiston was working on nano-engineered glass for explosives detection. His lab is composed of exclusively undergraduate students who were testing various methods of preparation at the time. During testing, one of the formulations instantaneously grew in size. That formulation became the first identified member of a now larger group of swellable silica-based materials.

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Credit: NSF

"This is a good example of the value of basic scientific research, which is being conducted at undergraduate institutions across the nation, " notes Edmiston.

Osorb is now the principal product of a company in Wooster called ABSMaterials, and Edmiston became the company's chief scientist. With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Edmiston and his colleagues at ABSMaterials are developing water remediation technologies for cities and industries—targeting everything from storm water to agricultural runoff.

"We made the decision to provide funding to ABSMaterials because of the potential for Osorb to have far-reaching impacts in enabling water purification. The project brings together a world-class technical team, led by Paul Edmiston, and a very exciting new material innovation, " says Ben Schrag, program director in the division of industrial innovation and partnerships, within NSF's Directorate for Engineering.

Edmiston's introduction to ABSMaterials CEO Stephen Spoonamore was also serendipitous. Spoonamore knew about Edmiston's research, and when he spotted the professor on a plane, the CEO traded seats so they could talk. Their scientific and business association "took off" from there.

"I'd been asked to look at the challenges associated with the U.S. military working in remote locations. The biggest problem is not bullets. It's not bugs, guns or mines. It's water. How do you get enough water when you're out there alone? I had looked at the problem of contamination and didn't know of any good solutions, " recalls Spoonamore.

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Silicon-Based Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices, 2 Volume Set: Silicon-Based Low-Dimensional Nanodevices and Applications
Book (CRC Press)

Paper battery?

by edsdesk

Mon Dec 7, 4:28 pm ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Ordinary paper could one day be used as a lightweight battery to power the devices that are now enabling the printed word to be eclipsed by e-mail, e-books and online news.
Scientists at Stanford University in California reported on Monday they have successfully turned paper coated with ink made of silver and carbon nanomaterials into a "paper battery" that holds promise for new types of lightweight, high-performance energy storage.
The same feature that helps ink adhere to paper allows it to hold onto the single-walled carbon nanotubes and silver nanowire films

Some ... some not.

by setArcos

Biotechnology, bioinformatics
Emerging technology
Genetic engineering
Synthetic biology, synthetic genomics
Artificial photosynthesis
Anti-aging drugs: resveratrol, SRT1720
Vitrification or cryoprotectant
Hibernation or suspended animation
Stem cell treatments
Personalized medicine
Body implants, prosthesis
In vitro meat
Regenerative medicine
[edit] Energy systems
Emerging technology
Concentrated solar power includes thermal

Graphene: fundamentals and emergent applications  — Chemistry World
In this context, the text offers an extremely timely and valuable perspective on the first of these materials to attain such enormous attention and is an excellent reference by which to direct analogous research towards other two-dimensional nanomaterials.

Silicon-Based Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices, 2 Volume Set
Book (CRC Press)
Nanoscale Science and Technology Graphene : a new two-dimensional carbon nanomaterials(Chinese Edition)
Book (Science Press)
Pan Stanford Publishing Two-Dimensional Carbon: Fundamental Properties, Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications (Pan Stanford Series on Carbon-Based Nanomaterials)
Book (Pan Stanford Publishing)
CRC Press Two-Dimensional Nanostructures
Book (CRC Press)
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