QinetiQ Nanomaterials Ltd

QinetiQ Nanomaterials ltd

Dr Paul Reip, Managing Director, QinetiQ Nanomaterials ltd

This evidence was taken at a meeting of the working group on November 19th 2003 and was written up by the secretariat. It has been approved by Dr Reip.


Dr Reip gave a short presentation to the Working Group to give an introduction to QinetiQ Nanomaterials ltd, its history and products.

QinetiQ Nanomaterials ltd is one of QinetiQ’s largest investments of it’s own money (as opposed to MoD money) after the RV Triton demonstration ship. Originally, DERA’s (QinetiQ’s predecessor) interest in nanomaterials was the use of ultrafine aluminium in explosives.

Unable to acquire ultrafine aluminium in the required quantities or quality at reasonable prices, DERA turned to Tetronics, a plasma torch manufacturer, to develop a gas phase production system, in the early 90’s. Tectonics managed to produce 1-2kg/hr of 100nm dry passivated powder with the plasma torch technology, and supplied small quantities to support DERA’s research programmes through the 90’s .As the technology was scalable, QinetiQ licensed the technology and have set up their own manufacturing facility at Farnborough employing about 10 staff, as a wholly owned subsidiary called QinetiQ Nanomaterials ltd.

Elsevier Nanomaterials for Medical Applications
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Paper battery?

by edsdesk

Mon Dec 7, 4:28 pm ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Ordinary paper could one day be used as a lightweight battery to power the devices that are now enabling the printed word to be eclipsed by e-mail, e-books and online news.
Scientists at Stanford University in California reported on Monday they have successfully turned paper coated with ink made of silver and carbon nanomaterials into a "paper battery" that holds promise for new types of lightweight, high-performance energy storage.
The same feature that helps ink adhere to paper allows it to hold onto the single-walled carbon nanotubes and silver nanowire films

Some ... some not.

by setArcos

Biotechnology, bioinformatics
Emerging technology
Genetic engineering
Synthetic biology, synthetic genomics
Artificial photosynthesis
Anti-aging drugs: resveratrol, SRT1720
Vitrification or cryoprotectant
Hibernation or suspended animation
Stem cell treatments
Personalized medicine
Body implants, prosthesis
In vitro meat
Regenerative medicine
[edit] Energy systems
Emerging technology
Concentrated solar power includes thermal

Engineers develop new materials for hydrogen storage  — R & D Magazine
“We are looking for solid materials that can store and release hydrogen easily,” said Olivia Graeve, a professor at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego, who has gained international recognition as a nanomaterials manufacturing expert.

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