Printed Organic Electronics

Printing Innovation Improves Organic Semiconductor Efficiency 10-Fold

Printing Innovations Provide Major Improvement in Organic ElectronicsUsing a new a printing process called FLUENCE (fluid-enhanced crystal engineering), researchers have developed highly aligned single-crystalline organic semiconductor thin films that are capable of conducting electricity 10 times more efficiently than those created using conventional methods.

Menlo Park, California — Through innovations to a printing process, researchers have made major improvements to organic electronics—a technology in demand for lightweight, low-cost solar cells, flexible electronic displays and tiny sensors. The printing method is fast and works with a variety of organic materials to produce semiconductors of strikingly higher quality than what has so far been achieved with similar methods.

Organic electronics have great promise for a variety of applications, but even the highest quality films available today fall short in how well they conduct electrical current. The team from the U.S.Fluid Enhanced Crystal Engineering Improves Organic Electronics partment of Energy’s (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have developed a printing process they call FLUENCE—fluid-enhanced crystal engineering—that for some materials results in thin films capable of conducting electricity 10 times more efficiently than those created using conventional methods.

“Even better, most of the concepts behind FLUENCE can scale up to meet industry requirements, ” said Ying Diao, a SLAC/Stanford postdoctoral researcher and lead author of the study, which appeared today in Nature Materials.

Stefan Mannsfeld, a SLAC materials physicist and one of the principal investigators of the experiment, said the key was to focus on the physics of the printing process rather than the chemical makeup of the semiconductor. Diao engineered the process to produce strips of big, neatly aligned crystals that electrical charge can flow through easily, while preserving the benefits of the “strained lattice” structure and “solution shearing” printing technique previously developed in the lab of Mannsfeld’s co-principal investigator, Professor Zhenan Bao of the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, a joint SLAC-Stanford institute.

Electronic media

by daddyhuey

Popular modern entertainment relies heavily on the use of electricity, computers, and electronics. In the days before electricity, singers were selected for their ability to project, actors for their stage ability, musical instruments for their audibility, and newspapers and magazines for their sentence structure, diction and clarity....... all without the use of electronic assistance or special effect enhancements.
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Global Printed Electronics Market 2014-2018  — PR Newswire
As printed electronics use non-hazardous raw materials for the production of electronic products, this is the most suitable technology that can be incorporated for the development of eco-friendly electronic products. Key Topics Covered: 01.

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