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Concept vital to Nanotechnology

Carbon is a critical element to plant and animal life, while simultaneously found in many non-biological compounds as well. If we are thinking about the future…

Nanotechnology for Future Electronics

Executive Overview The opportunities that nanotechnology presents to our industry are many, and a short article cannot come close to covering the breadth implied…

Environmental Agency Nanotechnology

Article: Toxic potential of materials at the nanolevel Authors: Nel, A ;Xia, T;Madler, L;Li, N Journal: SCIENCE, 311 (5761): 622-627 FEB 3 2006 Addresses: Univ Calif…

Nanotechnology Chemistry a level

Nanotechnology pulls in information from physics, chemistry, engineering, and biology to study and use materials at the nano level to achieve various results. It…

Superhydrophobic Nanotechnology

Inside video and interview at Nokia s Cambridge Superhydrophobic lab CAMBRIDGE, United Kingdom – What happens when a drop of water falls on a lotus leaf? It’s not…

Nanotechnology, Science and applications

By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor WASHINGTON (Reuters) - By crushing a widely used semiconductor into nanoparticles, researchers said on Thursday they have…

Food created with Nanotechnology

Tim Lang: Do you really want to eat these ingredients? Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy at London s City University. Photograph: Murdo Macleod I am troubled…

Nanotechnology research in India

Nanotechnology is an identified priority area for Canada-India collaboration (as identified by the Canada-India Joint Science and Technology Cooperation Committee)…

Nanotechnology Facts and Figures

Facts and Figures The Institute is managed by an International Board headed by an elected Chair, and by an Executive Board, also headed by an elected Chair. The…
